About Middletown Voice

Middletown Media Ltd. operates two digital creations: Middletown Voice and Muncie Voice. We are working from the idea that Muncie, Indiana has long been the focus of sociological studies because the community is considered a microcosm of the United States.

Both digital creations have the mission of bringing forward thinking ideas into the community and trying to share a progressive voice emerging from East Central Indiana. It’s a fusion of hyperlocal and global. The goal is to capture what the future holds for journalism and sharing information which is moving at the speed of light.

Our primary focus is citizen journalism locally yet combine a variety of different authors to inform and challenge the reader. Without a journalistic core, our democracy falters. Corporate owned media has established wealth extraction models in our communities, and their antiquated models are failing nationally and locally.

Our goal is to build a sustainable model of journalism while operating independently outside of traditional corporate influence. Citizens and business leaders should respect a strong journalism model in their community. It creates transparency and since of fairness for everyone.

Our primary belief is large corporate interests and wealthy oligarchs have eroded our democracy. Their money and influence is used to finance politicians who in return write policies to benefit the wealthy while ignoring the needs of the many. Our current situation across the globe is evidence enough of the problem. Even the new Pope is pointing out the economic injustices plaguing society.

Journalists, and those passionate about the important role freedom of the press plays in our democracy, were busy forming new entities allowing more independent expression of the problems. While their goal has been national in scope, we are focusing on a local model for journalism. Industry experts all say the same thing – newspapers are dying model. They are too expensive. The control lies outside the community. They can no longer write independent pieces because of the pressures of advertisers and shrinking sales.

Therefore, our goal is to explore national trends and present a new model to the community by 2015. We appreciate any comments from our neighbors or peers.

While this is a blog, you can visit our website at http://muncievoice.com.

You can also contact us by completing this form and sending…we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

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