GOP Representative Slams the Uninsured – Calls Them Illiterate

Louisiana GOP Rep. chides the uninsured: They are ‘less sophisticated’ and ‘illiterate’ (via Raw Story )

A Republican congressman and physician by trade from Louisiana was caught denigrating those without medical insurance, including his own patients, during a speech discussing his own alternative to the Affordable Care Act in audio posted by Buzzfeed…

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Poor Leadership Prevents Hoosiers from Benefits of Medicaid Expansion

While the republican governors like Mike Pence played their obstructionist games with Hoosiers health and well being, here is what other states are experiencing who went forward with expanding Medicaid for their residents:

In conclusion, the experience of these four states demonstrates that fast track strategies represent a highly effective enrollment option for states. By using data already available to them and drawing on their expertise with eligibility and enrollment systems, these four states have been able to jump-start enrollment into their Medicaid expansions, enrolling more than 221,000 people in just two months. As result, they have made substantial progress toward their Medicaid enrollment goals while minimizing burdens on individuals, staff, and enrollment systems.

Huge difference between leadership approaches – one is interested in serving their residents, while the others are playing political games by inflicting damage to their state residents.

Vote informed.


Fast Track to Coverage: Facilitating Enrollment of Eligible People into the Medicaid Expansion – Issue Brief | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.

Another Republican Switches To The Democratic Party

The RINO’s are switching over to the democrat party. I anticipate we’ll see much more of this in the coming months as we move closer to 2014 elections.

At the same time, some of the democrats are becoming more progressive like Obama promised over  years ago, but we haven’t seen yet.

Although I could repeat my reasons for this, but I think Republican Judge Carlo Key from Texas captured it pretty well when he said this about his own party:

Rational republican beliefs have given way to ideological character assassination. Pragmatism and principle have been overtaken by pettiness and bigotry. Make no mistake; I have not left the Republican Party. It left me. I cannot tolerate a Republican Party that demeans Texans based on their sexual orientation, the color of their skin, or their economic status. I will not be a member of a party in which hate speech elevates candidates for higher office rather than disqualifying them. I cannot place my name on the ballot for a political party that is proud to destroy the lives of hundreds of thousands of federal workers over the vain attempt to repeal a law that would provide healthcare to millions of people throughout our country. .. I would hope that more people of principle will follow me.

Don’t worry Judge, I’m sure they will.

Daily Kos: Another Republican Switches To The Democratic Party.

Gallup Poll Demonstrates How Badly Americans Are Misinformed

When you look at polls from Gallup, you have to keep in mind that many Americans are grossly misinformed because media sources (television, radio and print) are controlled by a handful of companies who control what information is being disseminated.

Aside from the government spying on us, the size of federal government has been shrinking based on payroll. We don’t consider debt as a major component of the size of government while we are sure those who watch Fox News are told that is a sign our government is too large.

To be honest, had Bush not slashed taxes on the wealthy, our budgetary problems would not garner much press at all. And with the Koch backed Americans for Prosperity getting all tea party republicans to sign pledges to not raise taxes on the wealthy, they are the ones who have elevated our budgetary woes to a topic for discussion.

While they also like to use the word ‘entitlements’ to describe Social Security, it is incorrect to do so, since it is an obligation in trust. Americans pay into Social Security Fund, and then receive dollars from the trust.

Another area where Americans are misinformed is healthcare reform. Health care is part socialized and private. Even some of the private plans are starting to mimic the new government adopted health care exchanges i.e. Walgreens. The reason government expenditure is so high for healthcare is the baby boomers have retired and are starting to collect SSI and receive Medicare which stresses those paying into the system. It is not because of “Big Government”.

Since the 1940’s, the United States has been slow to adopt universal health care coverage for its citizens. As a result, we pay significantly more for healthcare in this country and receive less than our counterparts around the globe. Again, the opponents of health care reform are directly resulting in higher costs to the federal since they cannot pressure the market to reduce costs. Big Med, Big Pharm, and Big Medical Device Makers keep raking in substantial profits, and Americans get stuck with higher bills.

Can you see the trend? The reason we are paying more at the government level and getting less is a direct result of the opponents to progress – ala obstructionism.

While these polls are very information, and in this case they remain evenly split 33% for too much government interference, 33% for not enough, and 33% seeing it about right,  they can deceiving the reader.

Interestingly enough, the split found by Gallup is the exact voting blocks of democrat, republican and independent.

It also demonstrates how perceptions of conservatives are incorrect. This is due to the sources of news they rely on – Fox News and Gannett – The StarPress and Indianapolis Star.

We anticipate as more independents become informed of facts and the deceptive practices played out by conservative media forces and the republican party, their numbers will drift to the left leaving a smaller block of grossly misinformed American voters.

Unfortunately, the same block of misinformed voters also cling to the deceptive propaganda that Fox and Gannett are ‘fair and balanced’ and those ‘other media outlets’ are part of the ‘liberal agenda’ headed by Barack Obama and carried out by his ‘liberal media puppets’, they’ll also never learn the truth so waking them up is not essential.

Americans Remain Divided on Role They Want Gov’t to Play.

Behind the Curtain Exclusive: The Koch brothers’ secret bank –

More evidence showing that the current republican party is not the party of Lincoln. These people are funneling huge amounts of money into Tea Party types who are destroying the government structure our founders put in place.

You can read between the lines…their goal is to privatize the local, state and federal government so our entire country is run by the wealthy. The expansion and control of the 1% to the detriment of the 99%.

We also learn of the Tea Party’s dark monied secret bank and its affiliation with our Indiana Governor, Mike Pence.

Behind the Curtain Exclusive: The Koch brothers’ secret bank –

Bill Moyers Essay: The End Game for Democracy | Moyers & Company |

They fix the system so multimillionaire hedge fund managers and private equity tycoons pay less of a tax rate on their income than school teachers, police and fire fighters, secretaries and janitors. They give subsidies to rich corporate farms and cut food stamps for working people facing hunger. They remove oversight of the wall street casinos, bail out the bankers who torpedo the economy, fight the modest reforms of Dodd-Frank, prolong tax havens for multinationals, and stick it to consumers while rewarding corporations.

We pay. We pay at the grocery store. We pay at the gas pump. We pay the taxes they write off. Our low-wage workers pay with sweat and deprivation because this town – aloof, self-obsessed, bought off and doing very well, thank you – feels no pain.

Bill Moyers Essay: The End Game for Democracy | Moyers & Company |